Reusable Cloth Pads – ‘Yay or Nay’

Sanitary pads, tampons, menstrual cups and next what? The variety of options springing up in the women’s health and hygiene section is commendable to say the least. Back in the medieval era, when women were not aware of better sanitary hygiene, they used cloth pieces stitched together to create


Women get really worried because of a delayed period. Isn’t it? One of the greatest fears that plays at the back of their mind is a possible pregnancy if they had engaged in unsafe sex (or even protected too). Now, what if somebody’s period has got delayed in spite

Health Risks Due to Poor Menstrual Hygiene

Miles away, in a village set across the valleys, lived a girl called Maya. Maya’s mother worked in a city 10 kms away from her village, and young Maya grew up with her grandmother. Maya didn’t have access to sanitary napkins, and thus when she started her menstrual cycle,


Do you know menstrual cup was invented way back in 1937? That’s more than 8 decades back. A menstrual cup is a type of reusable feminine hygiene product. It’s a small, flexible funnel-shaped cup-like device made of rubber or silicone that is inserted in the vagina to catch and

“Why your period is different than mine?”

“3 days!”  “Mine doesn’t really hurt that much.”  “My flow is very heavy, sometimes I even get bad cramp” “My elder sister hadn’t started menstruating when she was our age, but I did.” A group of 14-15 year old girls were discussing their menstruation cycles in hushed tones during

5 Tried and Tested Ways to Relieve Period Cramps

‘Cramp-cramp go away, don’t come any other day’ Isn’t this every woman’s behest. No woman is alien to menstrual cramps. It’s like ‘part of the parcel’. If you get periods, you got to experience some amount of abdominal pain. Period. I am a mother of a teenage daughter and

‘Period Talk’ with Your Daughter

As a mother we have so much to tell our daughters about growing up, about puberty and about PERIODS! But most of us are also tad apprehensive and uncomfortable how they will perceive it; understand it. Well, well, stop right there. They have already been talking about it in

They Say Disposable Pads are Evil. Really?

When we talk about pad distribution or sponsorship, several people come up to us or point out the ill effects of regular, disposable sanitary pads on environment. And strongly suggest to curb the usage of this non-environment friendly way of sanitary hygiene management. While we love to encourage the

Let’s Talk About Period!

Periods, Down, Chumming, Aunty – women have kept several code words for their cyclic monthly bleeding, menstruation. Ok…it is still understandable to feel little shy about the whole bloody flow from the private part but ‘not touching the pickle’ or ‘not washing hair’ for those 5-7 days? THAT is gross!! I am not